Knit surfaces – one in a thousand

Do you know, that… ?

Having imported files for repair, you should fix the errors by the easiest method.

The situation is as follows. In several assembly files (from import) there is an error signaling. I open the file, I perform diagnostics and some errors cannot be automatically fixed. There is one area feature in the tree. I will come back to this case in a moment.

The command is used to convert a surface to a solid Thicken – Create a solid from a closed volume.

connect surfaces

However, it is not possible to combine one surface object (with himself).

connect surfaces

Now I come back to the problem at hand.

The diagnostics left a lot of errors. The command cannot be used Thicken – the option to create a solid from a closed volume does not appear at all.

connect surfaces

And what now?

I am trying to command Knit surface and interestingly – I can create a solid with this operation! This happens once in a thousand, but it is worth remembering.

connect surfaces


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