Sweep feature and 3D sketch on plane

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Drawing in three-dimensional space using a 3D sketch is sometimes difficult to maintain full control over it. See for this may e.g.. users who work with the addition of Routing>>>

Therefore, with the help come plane in a 3D sketch. Sketch of the plane can be inserted after having selected a flat walls / planes of the Insert menu > 3D sketch on a plane or during the draw after selecting wall.

It is a very functional tool, as sketching can be treated locally as a 2D sketch, even relationships are changing the vertical, horizontally rather than lengthen the axis. Of course you can connect segments of the 3D sketch drawn on planes. We insert the same plane as the reference geometry selected from, the difference is that, they are embedded within the sketch.

plane in a 3D sketch plane in a 3D sketch plane in a 3D sketch

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