Wystąpienia do zastąpienia w szykach złożeń

Instances to replace in assembly arrays

Pattern in assemblies can refer to pattern in parts, but this solution is not always possible. In turn, the circular pattern in the SOLIDWORKS version 2023 gained new opportunities. These are the Instances to be replaced, which contain two tabs: Skipped Instances and Modified Instances. The first option already existed before, new is the ability to control omitted instances in configurations....

3 February 20243 February 2024by
Utwórz szkic z wybranych elementów podczas konwersji 2D do 3D

Create a sketch from selected elements during 2D to 3D conversion

After opening a DWG/DXF sketch – generally flat, you have a number of tools at your disposal. These include. sketch repair, assignment to the appropriate viewport (left, right, mountain etc.), sketch alignment. There is also a command that is particularly useful in assembly drawings, where there were no layers – Create a sketch from selected elements. After selecting the selected parts of the sketch, just press Create sketch from....

31 January 202431 January 2024by
Zamykacz przerw pomoże naprawić pliki importowane

Gap Closer will help you repair imported files

When opening imported files, if there are interruptions – you can use the automatic repair option. However, it does not always end in success. It all depends on the number and type of errors. There is another right-click tool – Gap closer. To use the Gap Closer, right-click on a break from the list and select a command. Then in...

28 January 202428 January 2024by
Zmiana rozmiaru profilu konstrukcyjnego za pomocą konfiguracji

Changing the size of a construction profile using configuration

In welded structures, two configurations are created by default, machined and welded. What is their idea – you can read below. weldments – machined and welded configurations But today I want to write about other configuration applications. In the properties window, when defining a structural member, at the very bottom there is the Configurations tab. This is where you can select a specific....

24 January 202424 January 2024by
Toolbox – autodopasowanie rozmiaru do wiązanej geometrii

Toolbox – automatic size adjustment to the bonded geometry

When inserting a Toolbox connector, you can select a useful option. This is Auto-Sizing to the mated geometry, which allows you to automatically change e.g. screw when changing the hole size. If you then change the hole size in the part, in this case from M8 to M10, then you don't have to manually change the connectors in the assembly.   As you can see, the sizes of the bolts and nuts...

21 January 202421 January 2024by
Pochylenie jako Linia neutralna w dwóch kierunkach

Slope as Neutral Line in two directions

Tilt is an operation mainly used in castings and moldings. However, there is no limitation to these two types of applications, so you can use it in any situation. When slope from walls cannot be used, is used as the Neutral Line type allowing you to indicate edges in 3D. You can immediately tilt in two directions by specifying the Direction independently 1...

17 January 202417 January 2024by
Dostosowane wyświetlanie parametrów gięcia blachy

Customized display of sheet metal bending parameters

By default, when inserting a flat sheet metal drawing, lines and bending notes appear. However, you can influence this, what will be displayed above or below the bending line. However, I have a suggestion. If you simply add the missing parameters by clicking the appropriate icons – the drawing becomes illegible. Of course, you can add e.g. k=0.74 (k is the coefficient) e.t.c., but you need...

14 January 202414 January 2024by
Jak w kilku krokach stworzyć w konfiguracji rozwinięcie sprężyny.

How to create a spring expansion in a few steps in the configuration.

This topic appears in many places and is not described clearly enough. So today I'll zoom in, how to create a configuration, which shows the expansion of the spring. Of course, it can be any shape drawn along a path. 1. The path must be one continuous curve. Even if you use e.g. composite curve, finally, a spline must be fitted to it...

10 January 202410 January 2024by
Pokaż foldery aktualizacji w złożeniach

Show update folders in assemblies

By designing in context, things can happen, that the reconstruction symbol is persistently displayed in the tree. It would seem, that everything is updated, and yet the symbol is still there. To make it easier to locate an unupdated reference, you can use the option . It is turned on by right-clicking at the highest level of the assembly. The operation in the context is automatically updated, If...

7 January 20247 January 2024by
Porównaj – narzędzie bez którego nie da się obejść

Compare – a tool you can't do without

Admit, that you have seen different versions of the same files many times and had (out) difficulty assessing differences. This is a normal thing in development departments, that further versions of the product are being created. As long as a given company still uses PDM, then you can describe it somehow, but otherwise, you probably have to save the created versions with the new ones...

4 January 20244 January 2024by