Użyj programowego OpenGL w eDrawings

Use software OpenGL in eDrawings

Do you know, that it is also possible to enable OpenGL programmatically in the eDrawings application. What kind of option is this? Software OpenGL disables graphics card hardware acceleration, enabling software-only graphics rendering. This option is automatically enabled, if the graphics card does not support hardware acceleration or does not have the appropriate drivers (for the current resolution settings, colors, refresh rate etc.)....

1 November 20241 November 2024by
Zwiększ jakość krzywej przy wyższych ustawieniach

Increase curve quality with higher settings

While creating a drawing this may happen, that the elements presented in the projections do not look good. What I mean is that the geometry is not displayed properly, especially the complicated one. This happened to me several times when drawing springs or housings with very variable curvature. In this case, go to Document Properties > Image quality and check the performance of three....

28 October 202428 October 2024by
Definiowanie materiału ortotropowego w SOLIDWORKS

Defining an orthotropic material in SOLIDWORKS

Can be assumed, that all default materials in the SOLIDWORKS material database are isotropic. Is it possible to define an orthotropic material?, that is, representing different physical properties in different directions? An example of such a material is wood, whose properties differ significantly in the longitudinal and transverse directions. Well, such properties can be described. However, the condition is that the Simulation i add-in must be launched first..

24 October 202424 October 2024by
Jedna z metod aktualizacji bazy Toolbox

One of the methods of updating the Toolbox database

Toolbox is a database of standardized elements and, like other SOLIDWORKS files, is subject to updates. Similarly, the program does not read files from newer versions, and the older ones should be saved in the current one. About that, The following message indicates that the database is incorrect:   One update method is to run an application located in the installation directory called sldtoolboxupdater....

20 October 202420 October 2024by
Przełączanie kierunków podczas wymiarowania szkicu 3D

Switching directions when dimensioning a 3D sketch

Dimensioning a 3D sketch, especially one like this, which does not lie on any of the X axes,Y,Z can be a challenge. There are a number of possibilities, including the use of auxiliary lines or dimensioning from the main planes of the system. Today I will show you how to do it even easier. Consider a sketch segment, which does not lie on any of the principal planes. If...

16 October 202416 October 2024by
Synchronizuj ustawienia na wielu komputerach

Sync settings across multiple computers

You can configure the synchronization of settings on multiple computers if you use SOLIDWORKS 2018 or newer. Settings synchronization is an online service, which requires logging in to the 3DEXPERIENCE platform! Also note, that in order to access the cloud storage service you need to make sure, that firewalls or proxy servers allow communication with *.solidworks.com. Sync settings may....

13 October 202413 October 2024by
Widok przekroju: Planarne vs. Strefowe

The section view: Planarne vs. Strefowe

The section view in SOLIDWORKS allows you to graphically cut a 3D model. Word “graphic” By default in SOLIDWORKS in, that the cut is not geometric, therefore, you cannot insert a sketch on a section face. In the location method you can choose between options: Planar and Zone. The latter is less known, even though it appeared already good 10 years ago, no less since the beginning of existence....

10 October 202410 October 2024by
Zmiana odniesienia wymiaru na rysunku, czyli Dołącz ponownie

Change the reference of a dimension in a drawing, i.e. Join again

If you need to change the dimension reference – i.e. place, to which the dimension refers – then it is possible. You don't have to delete the dimension and insert it again… How to do it, I've written about this before. Replacing dimensions by dragging However, this method is not very convenient, if there are many dimensions close together, we have a mouse....

6 October 202430 September 2024by
Opcja Pokaż rowek rozłożonego modelu blachy

Option Show groove of the flat pattern of the sheet metal model

Making circular and rectangular corner cuts in sheet metal, depending on the parameters, a slight indentation may occur. Of course, this indentation is also visible on the unfolded model. Wanting to turn them off, you need to edit the Flat Model operation and uncheck the Show groove option.  

3 October 202430 September 2024by
Dodaj lub edytuj właściwości specyficzne dla materiału

Add or edit material-specific properties

When selecting Material in the operation tree, we usually mean assigning physical properties necessary for mass calculation or calculations. However, a material can be assigned an Appearance, Hatching or additional information. And today, two words on this subject.   Customized is a tab, which can only be used with adapted materials (blue folder). You can put additional information there,...

30 September 202430 September 2024by