Jak w kilku krokach stworzyć w konfiguracji rozwinięcie sprężyny.

How to create a spring expansion in a few steps in the configuration.

This topic appears in many places and is not described clearly enough. So today I'll zoom in, how to create a configuration, which shows the expansion of the spring. Of course, it can be any shape drawn along a path. 1. The path must be one continuous curve. Even if you use e.g. composite curve, finally, a spline must be fitted to it...

10 January 202410 January 2024by
Pokaż foldery aktualizacji w złożeniach

Show update folders in assemblies

By designing in context, things can happen, that the reconstruction symbol is persistently displayed in the tree. It would seem, that everything is updated, and yet the symbol is still there. To make it easier to locate an unupdated reference, you can use the option . It is turned on by right-clicking at the highest level of the assembly. The operation in the context is automatically updated, If...

7 January 20247 January 2024by
Porównaj – narzędzie bez którego nie da się obejść

Compare – a tool you can't do without

Admit, that you have seen different versions of the same files many times and had (out) difficulty assessing differences. This is a normal thing in development departments, that further versions of the product are being created. As long as a given company still uses PDM, then you can describe it somehow, but otherwise, you probably have to save the created versions with the new ones...

4 January 20244 January 2024by
Popraw dokładność dla powierzchni kontaktujących się bez penetracji

Improve accuracy for surfaces contacting without penetration

When conducting a simulation, it is very important to choose the right options. It is, that the restraint conditions have the greatest impact on the results. Jednak tych składowych jest znacznie więcej. Ostatnio, przy okazji pewnych obliczeń pokusiłem się o porównanie opcji dokładnego kontaktu. Opcję tę możesz (a w zasadzie powinieneś) włączyć we właściwościach badania. W zakładce Opcje należy zaznaczyć Popraw dokładność...

1 January 20241 January 2024by
Przełączaj widok wymiaru promieniowego z klawiatury

Toggle radial dimension view from keyboard

You can change the radius to diameter or vice versa in many ways. However, since the SOLIDWORKS version 2023 there is an option to select when inserting a dimension. To do it, when inserting, select the CTRL combination + D. This applies to both drawing documentation and part modeling.  

28 December 202328 December 2023by
Szyk liniowy vs. Przenieś/kopiuj

Linear formation vs. Move/Copy

A linear pattern is one of the basic patterns for duplicating features or objects. But did you know, that it is not the best choice in every situation? I will include an example below, in which it is better to choose another operation to perform the array. It sounds mysterious, but this operation is Move/Copy. In formation (depending on type) we provide the number of repetitions and spacing. But...

25 December 202325 December 2023by
Użyteczna opcja przenoszenia szkicu, czyli Rozciągnij elementy

A useful option for moving a sketch, i.e. Stretch elements

On the Sketch tab, next to arrays and relations there is a Move elements command. Most of you have probably used this using the rotate command, transfer or scale. Today I would like to show you the Stretch Elements option. This operation allows you to detach selected sketch elements and attach them elsewhere. You can move them along X coordinates, Y or w...

21 December 202321 December 2023by
Wymiana plików pomiędzy SOLIDWORKS i Visualize

File exchange between SOLIDWORKS and Visualize

Along with the version of SolidWorks 2024 PhotoView has disappeared from add-ons 360. Visualize was the only renderer left, which was developed in parallel for several years. As a user who has been working in SW for many years, I would prefer to have a choice, which program to use. No less, just like in the past, PhotoWorks was abandoned in favor of PhotoView, yes, and this time there was an independent change...

18 December 202318 December 2023by
3D Interconnect z nowymi opcjami otwierania

3D Interconnect with new opening options

Operation 3D Interconnect, which has been present in SOLIDWORKS since 2017 year has gained new options. Distribute the operation in files imported as 3D Interconnect With SOLIDWORKS 2023 SP2 the following choices appeared. If you check Function and component level, the imported assembly will be loaded as follows: If you choose the second option, you will see the function level in the tree:

14 December 202314 December 2023by
Sprawdź przenikanie podczas analizy Motion

Check for interference during Motion analysis

Cross-talk detection basically works in a specific fixed situation. But there is an exception to this – during Motion traffic analyses, you can check crossfade over a time period. The point is, that if during a defined movement, cross-talk may occur, then it can be determined. To do this, select Check Interference at the top level under the right button. Then we choose....

10 December 202310 December 2023by