Surface Offset with Failure Diagnostics

Do you know, that… ?

In surface and hybrid modeling, we have an operation at our disposal Offset Surface.This offset may be zero – then we are talking about copying walls.

But most often we shift surfaces by a given value. As with the shell whether Surface thickening, the result of the operation is dependent on the offset value and the minimum radius of curvature. assuming, that there are inner and outer radii in the model, these rays will increase or decrease. When the limit value is exceeded, it follows samoprzecięcie – which most often results in an error.


surface offset

In such a case, the program will separate the areas that cannot be moved away by displaying them on the list. You can view them and delete them manually, or press the button Remove any damaged walls.

surface offset

Only these will remain on the list, which can be offset in one operation.

surface offset


If you offset surfaces by zero (that is, you copy surfaces) yet the program reports a problem – try another method.

surface offset

Choose a command Knit surfaces and mark the same walls. This time there was no problem. Just remember, that all marked faces must be in contact with each other, otherwise it would not be possible to combine them.

connect surfaces

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