The Modify dialog allows you to modify the increment in the spin box

Do you know, that… ?

One of the more common tasks you perform while working in SOLIDWORKS is entering dimensions.

You can of course use the combination with for large values “m”. E.g: instead of typing 6000 you can enter 6m. You can find out more about this below.

Quick change unit for other than specified in the document template

Today, however, I want to present another less known possibility. Well, if in the window modify you change the values ​​with the rotary knob or buttons, the default changes will be: in the case of millimeters – 10, in the case of inches – 0,1. These are the default settings increment in the spinner box.

if you want reduce this value 10 times, hold Alt, if you want enlarge 10-fold, press Ctrl. In the first case, the dimensions will change every 1mm, in the second every 100mm.

increment in the spinner field

You can also enter other values ​​at any time Incremental locally in the window modify. Later you just select the appropriate increment from the list.

increment in the spinner field

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