Kłopotliwe wymiarowanie na rysunkach oraz dostępne opcje

Difficult dimensioning in drawings and available options

Everyone, whoever makes drawings in SOLIDWORKS has certain observations. Thin-walled elements or such will be particularly problematic, where there are lots of invisible edges. The problem appears when, for example:. dimensioning, because the program tries to attach a dimension to each edge. However, you can remedy this by turning off the options below – i.e. selecting in ULU and ULW modes. Additionally, you can increase....

16 June 202416 June 2024by
Pokaż wszystkie konfiguracje na rysunkach w BOM

Show all configurations in BOM drawings

It is possible to show selected configurations in the BOM element list. Of course you can see, which components are present in a given configuration. However, the problem is this, that you can see the QUANTITY column, but it is not known which configuration it applies to…   Therefore, a good solution is to enable Show all configurations under the right button after clicking in the row with the quantity. From now on, before the quantity described....

22 May 202422 May 2024by
Ukryj nieaktualne wymiary i adnotacje na rysunkach

Hide outdated dimensions and annotations in drawings

Admit, that you happened to open a drawing, which was full of outdated dimensions? Outdated dimensions/annotations (also sketch relations in 3D models) They are olive green by default. Very good, that they are distinguished in a specific way, less good if you need to save the drawing, and it's full of outdated dimensions. There is a solution to this, just hide their visibility! Mark...

21 March 202421 March 2024by
Przełączanie z klawiatury szybkiego wymiarowania

Toggle from the quick dimensioning keyboard

Quick dimensioning is a program functionality that automatically places a dimension on one side of the model. In the case of diameters, the program displays a manipulator that allows you to locate the dimension in one of the four quadrants of the system. You can also switch positions using the TAB key. Similarly, in the case of linear dimensions, you can switch the position using TAB.

28 February 202428 February 2024by
Wyszukiwanie w liście materiałów za pomocą filtrów

Searching in the list of materials using filters

By pressing this magic button on the BOM list of materials, a search field will appear, or rather filtering. Of course it makes sense, if the lists are extensive with many items. You can search or filter each column. However, by selecting Custom Filter, you can define the criteria much more precisely, even forming conditions.  

6 February 20246 February 2024by
Zmiana koloru kreskowania na rysunkach technicznych

Changing the color of hatching in technical drawings

I present simple ways to change the color or hatching style in sections and half-views - half-sections. Both solutions require the inclusion of additional toolbars – Line Format or Layer. 1. format lines. Select the dashed area and on the Line Format tab, select Color. Remember to switch the color switching mode.     2. Layer. Layers in....

6 December 20236 December 2023by
Odniesienie komponentu i jego zastosowanie

Component reference and its use

You can assign an identifier to an individual component instance in an assembly. To do this, edit the Component Properties and complete the Component Reference. E.g, you can use Component References to store reference designators for a printed circuit board assembly or an electrical wiring assembly. When different instances of the same component have different Component Reference values, these instances can be displayed as separate...

14 November 202314 November 2023by
Dlaczego czasem nie można wykonać poprawnie przekroju?

Why sometimes you can't make a cross-section correctly?

If you have encountered such an error: “The model could not be properly cut through the section line (…)” – then this post may help you understand it. The above-mentioned problem may appear in the drawing when making a cross-section. If it appears, this is definitely related to the zero thickness geometry error. This is a known situation, when e.g. you make a hole....

20 October 202320 October 2023by
Pokazywanie lub ukrywanie stycznych krawędzi w rysunku

Show or hide tangent edges in a drawing

Settings in SOLIDWORKS can be divided into global and local ones. By global I mean the settings in the system options, that concern the entire program and not a specific document. These settings include displaying tangent edges. Such edges will be visible everywhere between adjacent walls. Long ago, when I studied technical drawing in college, on paper of course....

1 October 20231 October 2023by
Kiedy warto pobierać wymiary z modelu a kiedy nie?

When is it worth taking dimensions from the model and when not?

The ability to download dimensions from a model to a drawing is a very cool functionality. However, this doesn't always make sense. I will show two situations, when it is worth taking dimensions and when I advise against it. The first situation is this, when the model is geometrically complex and cannot be dimensioned in the drawing. Then I take the dimensions from the model and anyway, that they are not....

14 September 202314 September 2023by