Wzmocnienie konstrukcji spawanej styczne do rury

Reinforcement of the welded structure tangential to the pipe

Wstawienie Wzmocnienia pomiędzy płaską ścianą a cylindryczną jest możliwe tylko po wybraniu Lokalizacji. Lokalizacja to odniesienie kierunku, you can mark an edge here (parallel), wall/plane (perpendicular) or sketch line. In older versions of the program, this solution was not possible, it was necessary to look for alternative solutions. Also read: Reinforcement in welded structures with an opening for a weld

8 May 20248 May 2024by
Zmiana rozmiaru profilu konstrukcyjnego za pomocą konfiguracji

Changing the size of a construction profile using configuration

In welded structures, two configurations are created by default, machined and welded. What is their idea – you can read below. welded – machined and welded configurations But today I want to write about other configuration applications. In the properties window, when defining a structural member, at the very bottom there is the Configurations tab. This is where you can select a specific....

24 January 202424 January 2024by