Many products, which we design in 3D requires stacking. It is a process that allows optimal stacking of elements. This may apply to containers, pots, office chairs and much more.
View, how you can use SOLIDWORKS to check the position in the stack.
First, I insert the detail into the assembly and create the axis, where I will move it. Oczywiście jeżeli w modelu w naturalny sposób występuje krawędź lub możesz użyć tymczasowej osi – pomiń ten krok.
Then I arrange the part in a linear pattern, then I unfold it (the part must be movable).
In operation Move component I choose Collision detection and I point out Stop on collision.
Additionally, I turn it on Dynamic ground clearance, which allows you to observe the minimum distance between elements.
If the distance is zero, the walls will light up blue and that's it, that there was contact.
If the stack distance is e.g. zbyt duża – musisz zmodyfikować model poprzez zmianę pochylenia.
The construction of this step-by-step model is discussed in my eBook.
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