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Dimensioning to midpoints vs. dimensioning with Shift

Do you know, że… ?

When dimensioning arcs or circles, you can use the so-called. arc conditions. I mean switching between options: middle, minimum, maximum. So that you can toggle the above options, you should dimension by clicking on the contour of the circle / arc, not its center. Alternatively, you can use the SHIFT key when dimensioning.

arc conditions

And for example, dimensioning the gap (beans) you can dimension to get the total length with SHIFT by clicking near the ends.

Or, you can move the cursor to the arc while dimensioning (but not by clicking), then its center will appear (yellow square). Wtedy klikasz kwadrat po jednej stronie i po przeciwległej – uzyskasz wymiar całkowitej długości.

But this will not always be the case. Imagine a triangle with rounded corners. If you will dimension to midpoints, the dimension will not be the maximum length (on the left). Jeżeli natomiast użyjesz wymiarowania z SHIFT – wymiar będzie w maksimum długości, that is correct.

Therefore, in some situations you can dimension by any method, in another, it must be adapted to the geometrical conditions.

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