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Choosing the walls or in the mirror arrays

When you use the walls in a pattern or mirror?

Imagine a situation, that we have file imported and we want to do array. You can not choose features, as a whole consists of one operation (Import). Not much you can also select the whole object, as duplicating the array object with a hole, hole in a given place will be covered other occurrence.

In such a situation, select chic wall! Just remember, we noted that all the walls belonging to a hole or a projecting portion, otherwise the array will fail.

Consider another example. The element tin performing for a linear array of holes. Jednak w drugiej połowie powtórzone są wyłącznie niektóre wystąpienia – you can not use a mirror array because the program will use all instances.

In this case, perform mirror wall – zaznaczając tylko wybrane otwory z szyku.

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