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Inserting drafts with automatic selection of the faces


Do you know, że… ?

In the design of plastic parts and castings, They are important tilt. They may be added e.g.. during extrude or notches, but this is not always possible and convenient.

Therefore, to successfully apply a separate operation called draft. In operation it should be pointed plane / wall / vector that defines the direction of the mold opening and indicate wall to tilt. With this choice is often a problem, because you have to naklikać.

Z pomocą przychodzi nowe rozwiązanie – rozbudowa lista wyboru. You can choose the interior and exterior walls, tangential or All the walls. By selecting this option, you can leave the box empty!


The result is impressive. If the model is required other inclinations, e.g. on the other side of the 3D object, the operation must be repeated by changing the opening direction.

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