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Scaling uneven sketch, is it possible?

Uneven scale sketch

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Sketching shapes modeling parts often arises a need to modify the. Today's example concerns scaling sketch. Of course there is such an operation, but it only allows you to scale uniformly, and the need is a little different.

I need to enlarge the sketch in two directions. How is relatively simple to perform?

Take the three steps.

1. Pull the sketch surface on the default distance 10mm (can be any). Theoretically, one can also perform similar operations with blocks, ale powierzchnia jest “bezpieczniejsza”, because it does not have a thickness and it can not be mistakenly connected to the existing geometry.

2. Then insert operation Scale, which we use to uneven rescaling facility. That is what is lacking in scale sketch.

3. The final step is to re-insert the drawing in relation to the edge. Of course, here I use the command Convert items, but you can also use eg. curve intersection. Established auxiliary surface is no longer needed, You can hide it, and safest way is to remove it at the end as Delete object.


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