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You need to know the surface for painting? It is easy to wyliczysz

external surface area

Do you know, że… ?

In the metal industry, when designing sheet metal parts often need information about the external surface to be painted. Of course, I can measure, calculate by hand, etc..

But there is a way, that will do this automatically assuming, that the outer surface is received half of the total surface. For large sheets, this method is acceptable, gdyż i tak zawsze należy założyć jakiś margines błędu – w tym przypadku jest on minimalny.

In sequence.

1. Create a global variable – nazwałem ją field painting. This is the total surface area divided by 2.

ole outer surface

2. compare results.

The measured value of the surface area is ~ 0,600m2 (in tools Measure I have set as a unit [m2] hence the difference in the decimal places).

The calculated value is ~ 0,603m while2 . admit, that the difference is negligible.

3. You can create customized property and add it to the template. Then, this information will always be in the file, and you can hook up to Titleblock. note, global variables that can be downloaded automatically from the drop-down list column Value / Text Expression.

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