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Bulk export of assembly files to neutral STEP or IGS format

mass export to steppe and iges

Do you know, że… ?

Having an assembly, you can save all of its component files to a neutral format (open) typu *.STEP lub *.IGS. Of course, I don't mean that, that you have to open each file and select save as… Tak niby też można jeżeli plików jest kilka, if there are several dozen or more of them, this method becomes troublesome.

Meet my solution.

To bulk save files to one of these formats, you can use task scheduler available from the SW Professional package.

In the schedule you must select Export files specifying a folder, in which the assembly and component files are saved.

mass export to steppe and iges

Another option, but only available for the format IGS saves the assembly as * .igs with the option unchecked Save all assembly components in one file.

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