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How to check the radius value in the file with no history?

How to check the value of rays in the import file (no history)? I have a file, I need to correct the tilt or make other modifications. I mark rounding wall and I read in the taskbar radius value.

However, not all the rays can be read in the same way.

If you can not see when you select the radius wall / edge and it can not be a tool to measure Measure, You can perform the following steps.

Insert plane normal to the edge at a selected point of the curve (e.g: beginning, end or a).

then create The curve intersection after selecting the plane of the wall and.

Now you can read in the radius taskbar.

attention! If the sketch is indicated spline, radius of course not check. Then the wall may have a variable radius or there is any deformation of the edges. You should choose another method, if at all it will be possible to check the radius.

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