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How to record a short movie from a moving camera in animation?

animation camera

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In SolidWorks, you can create a basic animation, basic movement (taking into account the contacts) and motion analysis Motion (SW motion involves the addition of a premium package).

Today I wanted to write a few words, how to create an animation, wherein moving the camera It is directed at the target, and moves in the predetermined path.

  1. The deposit must draw a path. Ścieżka musi tworzyć łańcuch – mogą to być połączone odcinki i łuku, This may be a spline. In addition, I have modeled a simple part, which will constitute the so-called. “wózek”. Trolley is the moving part of the designated track, which will be pinned to the camera.

The wheelchair is linked to the deposit bond paths, with options Distance along the path, which will move the trolley parametrically. In addition, the binding bond are added together with the ground plane and, together with the path corner, that there has been no revolution.

animation camera

2. on the appearances I add camera. Kamera jest skierowana na cel – jest to wybrany punkt w konstrukcji. While camera position It is determined by linking with the selected point trolley. Align rotation, the camera angle and all other parameters can be freely modified.

The camera can also be defined as, że punkt docelowy i pozycja kamery są skojarzone z wózkiem – wówczas widzimy z kamery na wprost wózka.

3. Adding new motion study, where as type choose Animations.

ATTENTION! It was possible to record the movements of the camera, should deselect options Turn the key creation view the right-click click on Orientation and Camera.

I set the camera position at the beginning of, that is, the numerical value when you click on the double bond path is 0mm. Następnie przesuwam pasek czasu w oknie do pozycji końcowej – u mnie 10 seconds. I click on the double bond paths (in the end position) and to decide the distance (before you have to check the path length). I determined the length of 12m, or during 10 s. trolley overcome distance 10m. Everything can be modified, etc.. It is also important in setting options the number of frames per second default lows 7.5 cage, it could be 15 or 20.

4. Turn on the camera view, then turn on the animation Calculate. Depending on, as the camera is strapped to the wheelchair, it is sometimes necessary to hide the truck, that does not interfere with the view. If you hide trolley, you must do it at the beginning of animation, not at the end.


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