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Excel data import in table-based pattern

Excel data import

Excel data import

Do you know, że… ?

If you have data from external programs, e.g. hole coordinates in Excel – możesz je wykorzystać w SOLIDWORKS.

Unfortunately, the program does not read Excel formats directly, but can export data to text format.

And today I will write a bit more about it.

The hole coordinate data is two X columns,Y. To save this data in text form, select Text (delimited by tabs). In much older versions of Excel, saving was possible by selecting a command Export of external data.

Excel data import

It is still necessary to check the decimal separator from Excel. U mnie domyślnie jest to “,” – i tak niestety nie może pozostać. Therefore, by editing my data already from the level notebook, zamieniam separator “,” na “.” (comma to dot). Jeżeli ułamki nie będą zawierać kropek – SOLIDWORKS nie powoli wczytać pliku!

In SOLIDWORKS itself, I choose Chic leaning on table. Prior insertion is required to use this pattern Coordinate system.

After selecting the operation to be duplicated and the coordinate system, I point to my text file. As you can see, the coordinates have been loaded and new holes have appeared in the preview.

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