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Cone-shaped sheet cut at an angle

sheet metal cutting

Do you know, że… ?

SOLIDWORKS has some limitations in sheet metal. Well, the cut has to be done like this, to the ends were joined by a straight line.

In practice, that's what it means, that the tapered plate cannot be cut other than parallel to the axis. If you create such a cut, then projecting the sketch onto the face of the cone will result non-planar edge.

It is impossible to replace such a model with sheet metal!

sheet metal cutting

Ale… jeżeli wykorzystam taki lub podobny model i utworze na bazie krawędzi szkice – to można użyć Lofted bends for sheets. In this case, it is possible to make a expandable sheet, but the effect is different than intended.

Reasumując – cięcie musi być równolegle do osi stożka.

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