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sheet imported, how to quickly create a development?

imported metal sheet

Do you know, że… ?

If you have a sheet from another CAD system SolidWorks and you need to do to develop flat, you need to re-convert part of the plate. Of course you can use one of two operations: Insert bends or Convert to Sheet Metal. I assume, that the model of the system was the source sheet, and thus has inner and outer fillets.

Jeżeli jednak w wyniku konwersji część blachy zniknie lub będą widoczne błędy – oznacza to, that you need to perform additional steps. Gdyby błędów nie było – proces kończy się w tym momencie – dla SOLIDWORKS model po zastosowaniu jednej z dwóch powyższych operacji już jest arkuszem blachy i można wykonać rozwinięcie płaskie.

In my example, no errors and said operation has not formed correctly sheet. Then I pull a surface of a zero (internal or inner) and the thickening of the thickness of the sheet. To facilitate removal, the right mouse button choose Select a contact.

ATTENTION! If at some point the walls will not be highlighted in blue, it means so much, that the lack of contact. This in turn means, that you can not create geometry without improving sheet.

After selecting the wall moves them about zero with offsets surface.

Now, the surface should be bold in the same direction, where there was an imported model. I use to do this operation Thicken located on the surfaces. At the same time, you can remove the object from the imported folder solid objects.

Then performs the conversion to the sheet e.g.. by the steps of Insert bends or Convert to Sheet Metal. Do not forget to define the appropriate value of k and the possible undercuts.

The model correctly spreads.


remember, that importing models bent, SolidWorks does not include allowances from the source program. Therefore, you must define them again during conversion.

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