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An alternative method of speed show hidden components

Do you know, że… ?

Recently I introduced a fast way to show hidden components. Today, I will show you a different way.

As two clicks to show all hidden assembly components!

ATTENTION! It applies to both show hidden components in assemblies and parts of objects.

If you hold down the Ctrl key while + SHIFT + TAB will see in the graphics window all the hidden parts / objects in transparent mode.

show components

Of course, you can release the keys, move the cursor over the desired object and select the shift + TAB to show it.

But if you want to do it quickly and massively, while keys are pressed CTRL + SHIFT + TAB use the left mouse button sequentially to show selected parts / objects.

Of course, is that using the TAB hiding parts / objects and the combination of SHIFT + TAB will you show you know.

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