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The difference between the hiding components in the assembly, and Figure

ukryj komponent w solidworks

ukryj komponent w solidworks

You are doing the drawing from the assembly it is better to hide the component in the assembly or before the drawing? It is not without significance.

Well, if hide dany komponent in the assembly, it will be hidden on the sheet all views drawings, which is related to.

But if you want to, a component that was hidden off in the view documentation, it should be done from the figure in the properties view,

or the right mouse button click on the selected part.

The difference in the way you see hiding in the tree on the sheet. In a first embodiment a part has been hidden in the assembly,

and below in the drawing. This applies only to one view (view rysunku3).

At the same time it should be remembered, again show that must be analogous to conceal.

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