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Actions by the rotation and diameter dimensions of the problem

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Sizing sketches prepared for circulation, You can double the size as you move the cursor beyond the axis. If, however, leave open sketch (e.g. turning on a contour line construction (auxiliary), is the selection of operations The addition of the rotation you will be asked to close the sketch. Confirming YES contour is closed.

attention. The closure does not rely on converting the contour line construction, but for the insertion of the additional contour line in place of the auxiliary.

assuming, that you want to edit and insert a new sketch diametric dimensions, there is a problem where the, you can not see the necessary auxiliary line. In such a situation can e.g.. dorysować new auxiliary line, You can also delete a contour line (covering the auxiliary line) and extend the line underneath, and re-draw a contour line. In both cases the auxiliary line necessary to insert extends beyond the diametrical dimensions of the model to enable addition of these dimensions.

There is another way that does not require changes to the draft. Now right-click on the contour line located in the middle, and then Select another, you may select one of the two lines.

Just select a guide and in relation to the desired insert size.

but remember, that the best method is to draw a secondary line (median), that even in the automatic closing sketch auxiliary line always extend beyond the outline element. This will seamlessly insert dimensions diametrical.

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