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The new site

training solidworks

I am pleased to announce the launch of a new website devoted to training sOlidwOrks.

What changed?

The site has been adjusted to display correctly on mobile devices. In the bookmark closed training users have access to the training calendar, where you can view the next scheduled courses. At the same time it is possible to write on the course chosen by sending form.

Osoby preferujące szkolenia indywidualne lub prowadzone we własnej siedzibie – powinny zapoznać się z ofertą closed training, where also using the form you can arrange the details.

Another novelty is the customer panel. After you create an account, users get access to teaching materials, including: tutorials, sample files, or instructional videos.

A new feature is the ability to take advantage of paid services technical support. This is a pilot program, the scope and all the details are negotiated individually with interested.

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