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Thumbnail Preview parts list in Excel bills of materials

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Table of elements (GOOD) the documentation can also save the file MS Excel (e.g. the purchasing department).

Currently, there is a possibility to export the thumbnails on the component you select thumbnails.

But would it be possible, thumbnail must be generated.

remember, miniature that arises at the time of the recording, therefore, a good practice is the magnification of detail as well as its position in a 3D environment. It should adopt a unified strategy, e.g. showing elements of isometrics, where the Z axis is the height direction.

If the thumbnail is not visible, Unfortunately, this involves recording error. Then just hide a row with a given component, lub po prostu otworzyć część i ją zapisać – tworząc podgląd miniatury.

When the miniature may not arise? Apart from program errors, such a situation we have to deal with opening the files from older versions (without prior renovation) or files with configurations, where a configuration has never been activated.

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