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When to use a controlled Creation ScanTo3D?

creating controlled

Do you know, że… ?

When you are working with 3D scans of SolidWorks, probably you know, that there are two types of surface creation: automatic and controlled.

When to use creating controlled?

creating controlled

If the file to place a flat grid, round, możliwe do opisania powierzchnią typu NURBS – warto rozważyć tzw. Creating a controlled. It involves the isolation of a triangular mesh representing the selected types podsiatek surface. Of course, a number of parameters can be controlled, e.g. matching tolerance etc..

remember, that there is always the possibility of converting mixed, i.e.. creating the model can use some of the surface resulting from the method of controlled, and the remaining surface charge on the method of automated. In addition, you can perform many tests with different settings and select the optimal solution for a given situation.

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